Creates a public key for the account given
The NEAR account to assign a public key to
The targeted network. (ex. default, betanet, etc…)
keyType: KeyTypeGets the existing public key for a given account
accountId: stringThe NEAR account to assign a public key to
networkId: stringThe targeted network. (ex. default, betanet, etc…)
Returns the public key or null if not found
A message to be signed, typically a serialized transaction
accountId: stringthe NEAR account signing the message
networkId: stringThe targeted network. (ex. default, betanet, etc…)
Returns a string representation of an object.
fromCreates a single account Signer instance with account, network and keyPair provided.
Intended to be useful for temporary keys (e.g. claiming a Linkdrop).
The targeted network. (ex. default, betanet, etc…)
The NEAR account to assign the key pair to
The keyPair to use for signing
Signs using in memory key store.