General signing interface, can be used for in memory signing, RPC singing, external wallet, HSM, etc.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



  • Creates new key and returns public key.


    • accountId: string

      accountId to retrieve from.

    • OptionalnetworkId: string

      The targeted network. (ex. default, betanet, etc…)

    • OptionalkeyType: KeyType

    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

  • Returns public key for given account / network.


    • OptionalaccountId: string

      accountId to retrieve from.

    • OptionalnetworkId: string

      The targeted network. (ex. default, betanet, etc…)

    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

  • Signs given message, by first hashing with sha256.


    • message: Uint8Array

      message to sign.

    • OptionalaccountId: string

      accountId to use for signing.

    • OptionalnetworkId: string

      The targeted network. (ex. default, betanet, etc…)

    Returns Promise<Signature>