Represents a Function Call to a smart cotract


  • Parameters

    • receiverId: string

      The account ID of the contract that is called.

    • methodName: string

      The method name of the contract that was invoked.

    • args: string

      Base64 encoded arguments to the method.

    • gas: number

      gas amount.

    • deposit: string

      deposit amount in yoctoNEAR.

    • action: Action

    Returns FunctionCallView


action: Action
args: string

Base64 encoded arguments to the method.

deposit: string

deposit amount in yoctoNEAR.

gas: number

gas amount.

methodName: string

The method name of the contract that was invoked.

receiverId: string

The account ID of the contract that is called.


  • get predecessorId(): string
  • predecessorId: the contract that invoked this call.

    Returns string

  • get receiptId(): string
  • receiptId in which this call was executed.

    Returns string


  • arguments, decoded from base64 and parsed to JSON


    • encoding: BufferEncoding = "utf-8"

      encoding of the args, default is utf-8

    Returns JSON

    JSON object of the arguments


    Error if failed to parse the args as JSON

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