This class provides common account related RPC calls including signing transactions with a KeyPair.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



  • Parameters

    • connection: Connection
    • accountId: string

    Returns Account


accountId: string
connection: Connection


  • Parameters

    • publicKey: string | PublicKey

      A public key to be associated with the contract

    • OptionalcontractId: string

      NEAR account where the contract is deployed

    • OptionalmethodNames: string | string[]

      The method names on the contract that should be allowed to be called. Pass null for no method names and '' or [] for any method names.

    • Optionalamount: bigint

      Payment in yoctoⓃ that is sent to the contract during this function call

    Returns Promise<FinalExecutionOutcome>

    expand this API to support more options.

  • Parameters

    • newAccountId: string

      NEAR account name to be created

    • publicKey: string | PublicKey

      A public key created from the masterAccount

    • amount: bigint

    Returns Promise<FinalExecutionOutcome>

  • Create a new account and deploy a contract to it


    • contractId: string

      NEAR account where the contract is deployed

    • publicKey: string | PublicKey

      The public key to add to the created contract account

    • data: Uint8Array

      The compiled contract code

    • amount: bigint

      of NEAR to transfer to the created contract account. Transfer enough to pay for storage

    Returns Promise<Account>

  • Parameters

    • beneficiaryId: string

      The NEAR account that will receive the remaining Ⓝ balance from the account being deleted

    Returns Promise<FinalExecutionOutcome>

  • Parameters

    • publicKey: string | PublicKey

      The public key to be deleted

    Returns Promise<FinalExecutionOutcome>

  • Parameters

    • data: Uint8Array

      The compiled contract code

    Returns Promise<FinalExecutionOutcome>

  • Finds the AccessKeyView associated with the accounts PublicKey stored in the Keystore.


    • receiverId: string

      currently unused (see todo)

    • actions: Action[]

      currently unused (see todo)

    Returns Promise<{ accessKey: AccessKeyView; publicKey: PublicKey }>

    { publicKey PublicKey; accessKey: AccessKeyView }

    Find matching access key based on transaction (i.e. receiverId and actions)

  • Execute a function call.


    • options: ChangeFunctionCallOptions

      The options for the function call.

      Options used to initiate a function call (especially a change function call)

      • Optionalargs?: object

        named arguments to pass the method { messageText: 'my message' }

      • OptionalattachedDeposit?: bigint

        amount of NEAR (in yoctoNEAR) to send together with the call

      • contractId: string

        The NEAR account id where the contract is deployed

      • Optionalgas?: bigint

        max amount of gas that method call can use

      • OptionaljsContract?: boolean

        Is contract from JS SDK, automatically encodes args from JS SDK to binary.

      • methodName: string

        The name of the method to invoke

      • Optionalstringify?: (input: any) => Buffer

        Convert input arguments into bytes array.

      • OptionalwalletCallbackUrl?: string

        Callback url to send the NEAR Wallet if using it to sign transactions.


      • OptionalwalletMeta?: string

        Metadata to send the NEAR Wallet if using it to sign transactions.


    Returns Promise<FinalExecutionOutcome>

    A promise that resolves to the final execution outcome of the function call.

  • Returns calculated account balance

    Returns Promise<AccountBalance>

  • Returns a list of authorized apps

    Returns Promise<{ authorizedApps: AccountAuthorizedApp[] }>

    update the response value to return all the different keys, not just app keys.

  • Returns the NEAR tokens balance and validators of a given account that is delegated to the staking pools that are part of the validators set in the current epoch.

    NOTE: If the tokens are delegated to a staking pool that is currently on pause or does not have enough tokens to participate in validation, they won't be accounted for.

    Returns Promise<ActiveDelegatedStakeBalance>

  • Returns Connection

  • Parameters

    • receiverId: string

      NEAR account receiving Ⓝ

    • amount: bigint

      Amount to send in yoctoⓃ

    Returns Promise<FinalExecutionOutcome>

  • Sign a transaction to perform a list of actions and broadcast it using the RPC API.


    • options: SignAndSendTransactionOptions

      The options for signing and sending the transaction.

      Options used to initiate sining and sending transactions

      • actions: Action[]
      • receiverId: string
      • OptionalreturnError?: boolean
      • OptionalwalletCallbackUrl?: string

        Callback url to send the NEAR Wallet if using it to sign transactions.


      • OptionalwalletMeta?: string

        Metadata to send the NEAR Wallet if using it to sign transactions.


    Returns Promise<FinalExecutionOutcome>

    A promise that resolves to the final execution outcome of the transaction.

  • Compose and sign a SignedDelegate action to be executed in a transaction on behalf of this Account instance


    • options: SignedDelegateOptions

      Options for the transaction.

      • actions

        Actions to be included in the meta transaction

      • blockHeightTtl

        Number of blocks past the current block height for which the SignedDelegate action may be included in a meta transaction

      • receiverId

        Receiver account of the meta transaction

    Returns Promise<SignedDelegate>

  • Create a signed transaction which can be broadcast to the network


    • receiverId: string

      NEAR account receiving the transaction

    • actions: Action[]

      list of actions to perform as part of the transaction

    Returns Promise<[Uint8Array, SignedTransaction]>

  • Parameters

    • publicKey: string | PublicKey

      The public key for the account that's staking

    • amount: bigint

      The account to stake in yoctoⓃ

    Returns Promise<FinalExecutionOutcome>

  • Invoke a contract view function using the RPC API.


    • options: ViewFunctionCallOptions

      Function call options.

      Options used to initiate a function call (especially a change function call)

      • Optionalargs?: object

        named arguments to pass the method { messageText: 'my message' }

      • OptionalattachedDeposit?: bigint

        amount of NEAR (in yoctoNEAR) to send together with the call

      • OptionalblockQuery?: BlockReference
      • contractId: string

        The NEAR account id where the contract is deployed

      • Optionalgas?: bigint

        max amount of gas that method call can use

      • OptionaljsContract?: boolean

        Is contract from JS SDK, automatically encodes args from JS SDK to binary.

      • methodName: string

        The name of the method to invoke

      • Optionalparse?: (response: Uint8Array) => any
      • Optionalstringify?: (input: any) => Buffer

        Convert input arguments into bytes array.

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Returns the state (key value pairs) of this account's contract based on the key prefix. Pass an empty string for prefix if you would like to return the entire state.


    • prefix: string | Uint8Array

      allows to filter which keys should be returned. Empty prefix means all keys. String prefix is utf-8 encoded.

    • OptionalblockQuery: BlockReference

      specifies which block to query state at. By default returns last "optimistic" block (i.e. not necessarily finalized).

    Returns Promise<{ key: Buffer; value: Buffer }[]>