KeyStores are passed to Near via NearConfig and are used by the InMemorySigner to sign transactions.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



keyStores: KeyStore[]


  • Gets the account(s) from the array of key stores


    • networkId: string

      The targeted network. (ex. default, betanet, etc…)

    Returns Promise<string[]>

  • Gets a KeyPair from the array of key stores


    • networkId: string

      The targeted network. (ex. default, betanet, etc…)

    • accountId: string

      The NEAR account tied to the key pair

    Returns Promise<KeyPair>

  • Removes a KeyPair from the array of key stores


    • networkId: string

      The targeted network. (ex. default, betanet, etc…)

    • accountId: string

      The NEAR account tied to the key pair

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Store a KeyPair to the first index of a key store array


    • networkId: string

      The targeted network. (ex. default, betanet, etc…)

    • accountId: string

      The NEAR account tied to the key pair

    • keyPair: KeyPair

      The key pair to store in local storage

    Returns Promise<void>